Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Flow of Life!!

What am I doing in God's name? Life has so many gifts to offer every living day and yet I choose to see only that which has perished or plain absent. How juvenile of me.
I guess the problem is that we take life too seriously. It's always I, me , mine. There's always the worry and anxiety of doing this but wanting that. Sane ancestors of ours have cried hoarse about Life being a journey and not the destination. And yet, somehow, we are never able to free ourselves from the clutches of this temptress. It's all about performing, here and now. How much money we make, how beautiful we are, how many people love us, how to acquire this, how to dump that...the list is endless. There is no acceptance or realisation that we are all here for some transcendental purpose with powers beyond our imagination. We fritter away our lives on superficialties - vain ego trips, impotent power struggles, shallow vanity hassles and what have you. As I read just yesterday in The Fountainhead, people confuse their selfishness as selflessness. They always live through others' desires. How others view them, think of them, judge them, rate them. Be it Esteem, Pride, Fame, Popularity. All these are bestowed by external factors on to them. So if a person is desirious of success and fame, it is not selfishness but in a way, parting with the self, and hence selflessness, as what you achieve is only in the eyes of the onlooker. If others talk about your success, it is recognised as success. So where is the worth and value of it withnin oneself? We are what the world labels us - this is how people live - days and years of their precious lives. And because of this very tendency, we lose ourselves. We feel hollow and deserted within. After the limelight dims, there are no dark shadows - its just you - staring at the empty mirror. I remember Floyd's song here - "Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky"...
So, come on now, Live it up - for yourself. Does the flower bloom for poets to praise its beauty? Do butterflies flutter around to inspire painters? Does the river stream down gaily for folk songs to be written? No. Do these acknowledgements lend to the enhancement of the beauty of any thing in nature? No. What others make out of your life is their take home, their own enjoyment out of indulgence. It does not in anyway add value or change the nature of your talents and achievements. We live in a give and take world but that does not in any mean that even self-respect and self-worth are to be bargained in a mutual appreciation society. There's another beautiful thing Ayn Rand has said - the fact that you have to go out and search for your self-respect indicates its non-existence. Self-respect just is - within you, for you, by you and no one can take it away.
Smile and live life without carrying the burden of judgement. Quit being subject to post-mortem everytime you move a finger nail. Life may cease at any blind turn. Sieze every moment and LIVE it!!!
The Flow Of Life
If the sky above seems cloudy,And you are left out in the rain,

If you are searching for a rainbow,But the colors bring you pain,
If your world is not revolving,And there is no end in sight,
If you are looking for the sunshine,But all you see is night,
If all around are smiling,But all you can do is frown,
If you are tired of all this living,When life just brings you down,

Then look beyond your teardrops,At the wonders of this land,
The beauty of a flower,Like velvet in your hand.
Feel the air around you,The smell of new mown hay,
Laughing children in the park,The innocence there at play,
Imagine floating with a butterfly,As she flutters between the trees,
Or the whispers of the ocean,On warm hot summer’s breeze,
Think of the taste of candy floss,As it melts upon your tongue,
Or the melody of morning birds,As they greet each day with song,
Remember words of beauty,Told in your mother’s embrace,
Feel the gentleness of her touch,As she softly kissed your face,
Seek the good within you,Cast the clouds from your sky,
Don’t look toward the pavement,But hold your head up high,
Think not what life owes you,But of all you have to give,
Forget about tomorrow,Then you can start to live.
So Bless this age your are living in,
With the gifts you can bestow,
Don’t disregard the stream of life,
Go gently with the flow

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